Sunday, October 29, 2006

The Little Book of Sketches

A fine example of "A Moveable Feast". I love the artwork on the dustjacket. It's hard for me to say exactly when this edition came out, but 1964 was the first publication date. Hemingway worked on AMF from the fall of 1957 to the spring of 1958. He worked primarily at his home in Cuba. It centers on the Paris years of 1921 -1926. It was called the Paris sketchbook as he worked on the chapters, digging up the memories from years ago. His fourth wife edited it after his death. It was published by Scribners.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A Favorite View For Hemingway

Photo courtesy Carlos
  • Lisbon Weekly Photo

  • A routine part of Hemingway's Paris years was walking down the Boulevard du Montparnasse to the intersection of rue de L'Observetoire where the La Closerie de Lilas cafe is located. It was one of his favorite spots to write, eat and drink. Hemingway would sit outside after a good days work or to be alone with his thoughts. He would often gaze at the statue of Marshal Ney. He admired the courage of Ney and writes quite often about him and the Lilas in "A Moveable Feast."

    Tuesday, October 03, 2006

    Hemingway Preferred This One

    The second of Henry Strater's portraits of Hemingway. Ernest preferred this one.
    Photo is courtesy of the Hemingway collection at the JFK Library, Boston.

    Sunday, October 01, 2006

    Portrait Of Hemingway in Paris

    Shortly after arriving in Paris, Ernest met Henry Strater, another American expat with literary interests.
    Strater was interested in boxing and tennis as was Hemingway. He was a Princeton graduate and he had already become a friend of F. Scott Fitzgeralds. So, another connection to the "Lost Generation."
    It was only natural that Hemingway and Strater should become friends.
    Strater painted this portrait in 1922, although Strater claims in was 1923. Hemingway didn't like it very much.