Friday, April 20, 2007

Some Of The Lost Generation

The Lost Generation: Hemingway and the circle of ex-pat friends he later incorporated in The Sun Also Rises. Top photo includes, Harold Loeb, the model for Robert Cohn in The Sun Also Rises, on the left, and Hemingway in the center.
In the bottom photo: Hemingway on the left, Harold Loeb, Lady Duff Twysden, Hadley, Don Stewart and Pat Guthrie.
Writing the book, Hemingway thought of himself as the Jake Barnes character, Lady Duff Twysden was Brett, Pat Guthrie was Mike Cambell, and as mentioned, Harold Loeb was Robert Cohn.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Hemingway At Shakespeare And Company

The top photo shows Sylvia Beach with her long time lover and business partner, Adrienne Monnier inside Shakespeare and Company bookstore at 12 rue de l'Odeon.
A photo of Sylvia Beach standing outside of her bookstore with Hemingway.
She was one of Hemingway's staunchest friends and supporters. She lent him books, money, and encouragement.
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  • Ernest inside Shakespeare And Company in 1921.