Monday, November 24, 2008

Hemingway As Kid Balzac

This satirical painting of Hemingway was done by his good friend and fishing companion, Waldo Peirce.
A critic had remarked that Hemingway looked like 19th century French writer Honore de Balzac.
In Peirce's painting, Hemingway appeared to be a slimmed-down version of Balzac (at least facially).
Hemingway was always comparing himself to famous writers and he probably enjoyed this - even though it was done in jest.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Boxing In Paris

Cirque d' Hiver

Hemingway loved to box, it was part of his essence, essential to the core of his personality. (That is Hem in the top photo.)
He was a good amateur boxer, even if he embellished his prowess, as he did with most things masculine.
In the preface to "A Movable Feast", Hemingway tells about the boxing at the Stade Anastasie, and the "great twenty-round fights at the Cirque d' Hiver." He was fond of most sports and outdoor activity, but boxing was one of the things - like bullfighting, that was at the top of the list.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Harry's New York Bar

Harry's New York Bar, 5 rue Daunou (sank roo doe noe, to the Yanks), was a popular hangout for American expats, including Hemingway. Ernest would often spar at a nearby gym with Harry holding Hemingway's towel.
It was particularly popular for those fleeing prohibition America. Harrys inventions included: The White Lady, 1919, The Bloody Mary, 1921, and the Harry's Pick Me Up, in 1923.
In 1924, Harry's started its first presidential straw poll for the American expats.
That year, Republican Calvin Coolidge beat Democrat John W. Davis.