Saturday, July 21, 2012

Happy 113 Birthday

Ernest Miller Hemingway, July 21, 1899 - July 2, 1961.


  1. Wow. Didn't realize that. Great site, as always.

  2. Anonymous1:49 AM

    He has awesome works of art. He really do have a talent in bringing out the real beauty of a place.

    universities in paris

  3. Looking good for 113~

  4. Thanks for the visit - it is a nice photo of him!

  5. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Incredible work on this follow up blog. You've really poured your heart into these lenses!

    Paris Apartment

  6. Hi ! It has been a long absence, but things have been a bit hard: father 95, mother almost 91 doing radiotherapy, wife broke right elbow and I’m consuming some much needed holidays to take care of all this...

    Happy Birthday Papa!!

    As far as Blogtrotter Two is concerned, it seems nobody is interested in St. Kitts, so maybe I should try something else. Anyhow, enjoy and have a great week or better a vacation, if still available!!!

  7. Hi Paul! I revisited «Midnight in Paris» this weekend. Amazing...

    Blogtrotter Two is now in Dominica. Enjoy the rain and have a great week!

  8. Paul, You'll be SO Jealous...I just returned from an awesome trip to Cuba that included a visit to Hemingway's farm where I stood outside many of the rooms and especially his tower-studio. We ate and drank at his favorite bar in Old Havana and slept down the hall from a room where he had lived in Old Havana also. Saw his boat, the Pilar. You really ought to go there because of your interest! I'll be showing some of the photos I took there on my blog in a few days or weeks; I've got lots of photos of Cuba and started posting on October 23rd.

  9. Thanks so much for the comment, Kate. I AM jealous :)
    I think everyone that is interested in Hemingway would love to visit "The Finca."
    I'm glad that you enjoyed your trip, and I look forward to seeing your photos.

  10. Wow...he is so handsome ;)

  11. Thanks for the visit, Shionge!

  12. Hi Paul! Hope you are having a great season! Sorry for the absence, but 2012 was definitely a difficult year here in Portugal, and even worse for me...
    Wish you a very Happy 2013, and enjoy Grenada in Blogtrotter Two!

  13. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Great tribute.

  14. Thanks Jeanette!

  15. Hi Paul! Hope you are having a superb summer! Sorry for the absence, but 2013 has been even worse than 2012... Anyhow, enjoy the blues of Grenada, and have a great vacation, if you can manage!!
    All the best!

  16. Hi Paul, hope you're well and that your mind is filled with all things Hemingway in Paris, even if the blog has been moribund as of late. I still enjoy reading the archives. :)

  17. Hi Paul! Hope you are having a great holiday season! Sorry for the absence, but work and concerns are keeping me away from Blogtrotter... Anyhow, enjoy my latest post at Tobago, and have a great season!
    Wish you all the best for 2014, hopefully better than 2013!

  18. Hi Paul!
    Hope you are having a great time! Sorry for the long absence, but it was a harsh 2014...
    Anyhow, enjoy the second half of my post on Valencia, Spain, with some old buildings around!
    Wish you a great Easter and all the best!

  19. Hi Paul!
    A new post on Papa is needed...
    Holiday in Portugal - 41 years of democracy and 45 years I met my wife. Champagne is already in the fridge. Cheers...
    Enjoy a short stopover in London at Blogtrotter
    Wish you a great weekend!

  20. My first visit to Paris in 1989 was a coup de foudre. I went back in 1991 with my head full of Hemingway. I bought a Mont Blanc Hemingway limited edition fountain pen, a stack of post cards, and I sat at the bar in Closserie del Lilas on Papa's stool (there was a brass plaque) and wrote out the cards. I still spend several months a year in Paris and can feel Hemingway's presence everywhere.
    Tanks for the blog!


Thanks for the visit. I appreciate your comments.