These two photos of Ernest are new to me. They were brought to my attention by a writer friend and Hemingway fan, Joe Grant.
Joe's best guess is that they are publicity shots for "The Sun Also Rises." I believe that they were taken by Man Ray.
Here is some biographical information on Joe:
"My short stories have been published in 140 literary reviews and e-zines, such as Byline, New Authors Journal, Underground Voices, Nite-Writer's International Literary Arts Journal, Howling Moon Press, Hack Writers, New Online Review, Literary Tonic, six sentences, NexGenPulp, three UK literary reviews, Bottom of the World and Cupboard Gloom and three most recently in Darkest Before Dawn, strangeroad and a story in the anthology of horror, Northern Haunts, (available at Barnes & Noble, Target and on Amazon). I have been nominated for the Million Writers Award. I have won “Story of the Month” at Bartleby-Snopes Literary Review and Story of the Month at 6 Sentences. I have completed my first novel. I currently reside in Los Angeles. NOTE: Six stories of mine have been featured in 6S Volume 1, a collection of short stories by various writers available at Amazon and 6S Volume II out now. I have also been nominated for a South Stories Literary Award."
Yo..now I know Joe better...thank you ;D
It is hard to believe that Hem was only twenty-six years old at the time of these photos. He was always the "old man."
Hi Shionge, LOL, everything you ever wanted to know.......
Hi Bill, yeah I love the early Paris shots of him.
Thank you for your comments. Hello Shionge, as well. :)
Hi Paul! Papa looks young and handsome!! No wonder the image would help to sell the book...
I'll have to find one of those Joe's stories...
Want to see Trakai? Blogtrotter has it… Enjoy and have a great weekend!
Hi Paul!
Dropped by to tell you that Blogtrotter (not me, I’m stuck here ;)) is profiting from the holidays in Lisbon this week and has a tour of Lake Galve, one of the beautiful lakes near Trakai, to show you! Hope you enjoy and have a great week!
Very compelling photos of Hemingway...no wonder...
he looks so "distinguished" here vs. what you see of him in more "raucous" environments.....i "found" something for you too (only, this is in MI), if you haven't seen it before earlier...
Thanks everyone!
Moi, I love that photo!
Hemingway must be a true inspiration in Joe's writing definitely :)
Yes, EH's style has influenced my writing but then so have the Russians, O. Henry, DH Lawrence, F. Scott and Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Glad everyone liked the photos. More photos to come. I've sent Paul a ton of my links to my short stories if anyone is interested. Or contact me at JPG8820@aol.com. Thank you all for your nice comments.
Hi Paul! I wonder who is Joe's Aureliano Buendia... ;)
The Republic of Uzupis. Never heard? Enjoy and have a great weekend!
Time will tell, Trotter! As I've told Paul, I've always liked the story about when Senor Marquez ran into Mister Hemingway in Paris, 1957. He sees him for the first and only time across the Boulevard St. Michel, shouts: "Maestro!" and Hemingway says: "Adios, amigo!" and kept walking or some such.
Hi Paul!
Blogtrotter has a moved to another country on its 250th post. Enjoy and have a great Sunday!
PS: Joe, look forward to reading! That's a great story «Maestro»!!
Trotter, thanks!
I'm a fan of Hemingway :)
Shawna's Study Abroad
Yes, Shawna, Hemingway is the man.
Hi Shawna, thanks for your visits!
Found your blog through 6S. What a neat idea!
Thanks for the visit, Shaylen!
He was a handsome devil, wasn't he?
Hi Kate, thanks for the visit!
Hope you are having a nice summer:)
Checking in to say hello!
Thank you, KayEllen, I hope that you are having a great summer, too!!
Hi Paul!
Blogtrotter is anticipating the 4th of July fireworks; but in a different country... ;) Have a great weekend (or vacation, should you have that chance...)!
did everyone look like that in their 20's during the 20's?
or when ever...
Wonderfully evocative photos...
Thanks for stopping by Carol.
I think everyone that could afford to dress up looked like this!
These are very interesting, seeing his picture kind of gives perspective on the man who created books like the old man and the sea and a farewell to arms.
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