Ernest was living with a friend, Y.K. Smith in a seven room apartment house in Chicago.
He landed a job editing a monthly magazine called The Cooperative Commonwealth.
Anderson lived near the apartment and was a welcome visitor. When Hadley and Ernest were thinking of getting married and going to Italy, Anderson said they ought to go to Paris instead. Anderson wrote letters of introduction for Ernest to Gertrude Stein and Sylvia Beach at Shakespeare and Co.
Anderson even recommended the Hotel Jacob for when the Hemingway's landed in France and an introduction to Lewis Galantiere who helped them find the apartment at 74, rue du Cardinal Lemoine.
Sherwood Anderson was a helpful mentor to the young Hemingway. A few years later Hemingway stabbed his mentor in the back with a cruel parody: The Torrents of Spring. Perhaps Hemingway felt he had to kill his literary "father" in order to clear a psychic space for himself.