Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Ernest In Pamplona, 1927

This is Hemingway with a bull in the Summer of 1927. The photo was taken outside of Pamplona, Spain, a town that was recommended to Hemingway by Gertrude Stein. It is in Northern Spain, just South of the French border. The famous "running of the bulls" is held here every year during the Festival of San Fermin.
Pamplona and Hemingway's vacations there were the setting and inspiration for his first novel, "The Sun Also Rises."
Another view
  • Here
  • Saturday, July 21, 2007

    Hemingway's Birthday

    Well it's not a Paris shot, but I thought something should be added for his birthday.
    Ernest Miller Hemingway; born in Oak Park, Illinois, July 21, 1899.

    Thursday, July 05, 2007

    They Drank A Lot

    Cafe De Paris by David Marrocco
    Cafe De Paris

    Paris had many appeals for the expats of the 1920s. It had a liberal atmosphere for artists and attracted painters, poets, and writers from all over the world. It was cheap to live there, it was an exciting, beautiful city and there was no prohibition on alcohol. In the US, Prohibition (1920-1933) was in full swing and people would go to extremes to get a drink - including moving to another country - if you could afford it.
    This fact is believed to have been responsible for many of the Americans in the "lost generation" to decide to come to Paris.
    In A Moveable Feast, cafe society was the important meeting ground for Hemingway and his artist friends to meet their contemporaries, discuss their work, and drink until their money ran out.