Monday, December 17, 2007

What To Add, What To Add?

Gargoyle on Notre Dame, Paris
Gargoyle on Notre Dame, Paris


  1. Well I like it so much !!!

  2. :) it sure would drive any evil away!!!!

  3. Yes, I can see how deep in thought you are ;-)
    BTW - don't you think it's time to trim those horns a bit?

  4. LOL, thanks Moi & Isabella.
    Trim my horns? Why the very thought!!

  5. Anonymous4:29 AM

    His view of the city has not changed in decades. His eyes are fixed on the same scene so far away that nobody knows where.

    Interesting. I happened to see you at Kate's place and popped over to say, Hi.

    Stay warm.

  6. ME!!!!

    Sitting on top looking out at the Tour De Eiffel!!!

    PS: one (who cares) will ever know...but I FINALLY sent the Sony Cybershot back to CT and it was gonna cost me $120 to FIX THE DANG THING!

    BF has a Canon and loves it so I got a new Canon Powershot 8mp and with a 3" monitor (no viewfinder necessary!) It's a dream camera!

    Look out Pauly! Gonna git some awesome shots SOON!

    And it's long overdue...


    I'm doing great BTW...everyone's simmered down and settling in with the new dynamics. We're even all gonna get together either Christmas Eve or Day and I'm gonna cook for our gang...just the six of us! =)


  7. Long time no see, Ame! MATCHES!!!!

  8. :) What a wonderful close up of the little monster.

  9. Hello, Nikon!

    I wish you a good end of 2007 and a good year of 2008.

  10. Hello David,
    Thank you & happy holidays to you!

  11. The gargoyle has become a strange concept in the present day. There they are, up there, adorning church roofs everywhere for purposes that mattered long before tourism was dreamed of.
    Now, there are masses of tourists staring up from the ground and without binoculars, or zoom lenses (which they all have, of course), the gargoyles' details can't be made out. No wonder this one looks so bored/tee'd off.
    And where's Charles Laughton?

  12. Great shot Paul!
    Sorry for having taken so much time to come back here, but I will not tell you about my last weeks… The problem is that the coming ones don’t seem much nicer, at least up to January 14th, 2008…
    But let’s forget all that; I wish you a nice holiday and I’ll try to come back here to divert from less interesting tasks!

  13. Well Charles Laughton is getting into his makeup(or he's playing with his bells) - which is why the gargoyle is so bored - it takes FOREVER to do a hump :-)

  14. Gargoyles are figures of fascination, aren't they? I want to thank you for your many visits and commentsto my blog this year. I hope that your holiday is joyous and that 2008 brings you health, happiness, and a very good life!!

  15. Thank you Kate, my best wishes to you, too!

  16. I wish you a Merry Xmas my friend. Let's hope 2008 will be the year.

    BTW... who's that Ame above? lol

  17. I wish you Merry Christmas Paul!:)

  18. Hi Zsolt! Same to you and Zannnie :-)

  19. Paris's most famous spitting gargoyle? What else do you NEED to add? ;)

    Have a happy holiday, Paul!

  20. Sneaking away from our laden table (Christmas Eve dinner - an old European tradition) to wish you a Merry Christmas, Paul!

    (I'll speak to Santa about your single-rich-beautiful-girl requisition, but you must lower your standards, dear: she is more likely to quote Carrie from "Sex and the City" than Hemingway ;-))

  21. Hi Josy, good to see you!
    Isabella, I'll compromise :-)

  22. Hey Match Boy!

    Belated Happy Holidays again!

    Everything went smoothly last nite...made ham dinner and had my Mom over...opened presents...kiddlies all happy!

    Hit the stores today with BF...nice balance!

    Sitting here with a brewsky now and playing blog catch-up!

    What's new?


  23. No big plans N!

    Just want life to smooooooooooth out for a change...

    Plan on staying healthy, happy, in love and trying to keep everyone in my life on the same path!

    How's that for a dream huh?


    PS: OH! PAULY!

    MATCHES! =)

  24. Hi Paul,
    Wish you a very happy, healthy and successful 2008!

  25. nice gargoyle =)

    HaPpY nEw YeAr!!! Wishing you life's best this 2008!

    i heart manila

  26. Sticking the tongue out to 1920´s Paris?... Well, that is inspiring! I´m going right now to my balcony to stick my tongue out to 2007!

    I´ll toast for you Paul at midnight.
    Happy 2008 everybody!

  27. Wishing you all the best in 2008, Paul! As Tug said: "Ya gotta believe!"

    (Not happy with you word choice - Survive, Paul...can we change it to Persevere?)

  28. He he .. I like the title and the photo of course.
    Happy new year 2008.
    Wish you all the best!

  29. 2008 will see more Papa's posts for sure! Looking forward to seeing... ;)
    Have a great wekend Paul!

  30. You are a GEM Paul :D Thanks for your comment and well wishes, I truly appreciat it!!


  31. oh yes i recognize this statue, it's from the movie The Hung Back of the NOtre Dame! but now only i know it's in Paris :P

  32. I love this picture !!
    Is it from Legray ?


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