Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Some Holiday Color

When Ernest and Hadley first arrived in Paris, they had Christmas dinner at The Cafe de la Paix, a cafe on the Right Bank. When the bill came, they realized that they didn't have enough money to pay the bill. While Hadley waited, Ernest ran the several miles back to their apartment to get the money. Hemingway mentions the cafe in The Sun also Rises and My Old Man.
Happy Holidays, everyone, from Hemingway's Paris.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009


July 7th marks the beginning of the "running of the bulls" in Pamplona, Northern Spain, at the Festival of San Fermin. Young men have been participating in this ceremony since the 1600's, but Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises" published in 1926, made it the event that it is today.
Gertrude Stein recommended to Hemingway that he take a vacation there to help him "clear his head" and concentrate on the business of writing a novel.
These photos are from 1925, one year before he finished his novel.
Top photo: Hemingway on the left, Harold Loeb, Lady Duff Twysden, Hadley, Don Stewart and Pat Guthrie.
(If you click on the bottom photo, you will see Ernest (wearing white pants) just in front of the bull as he participates in "the amateurs.")

Monday, June 01, 2009

Two Hemingway Photos

These two photos of Ernest are new to me. They were brought to my attention by a writer friend and Hemingway fan, Joe Grant.
Joe's best guess is that they are publicity shots for "The Sun Also Rises." I believe that they were taken by Man Ray.
Here is some biographical information on Joe:
"My short stories have been published in 140 literary reviews and e-zines, such as Byline, New Authors Journal, Underground Voices, Nite-Writer's International Literary Arts Journal, Howling Moon Press, Hack Writers, New Online Review, Literary Tonic, six sentences, NexGenPulp, three UK literary reviews, Bottom of the World and Cupboard Gloom and three most recently in Darkest Before Dawn, strangeroad and a story in the anthology of horror, Northern Haunts, (available at Barnes & Noble, Target and on Amazon). I have been nominated for the Million Writers Award. I have won “Story of the Month” at Bartleby-Snopes Literary Review and Story of the Month at 6 Sentences. I have completed my first novel. I currently reside in Los Angeles. NOTE: Six stories of mine have been featured in 6S Volume 1, a collection of short stories by various writers available at Amazon and 6S Volume II out now. I have also been nominated for a South Stories Literary Award."

Monday, May 04, 2009

Splash Award

I have been given a Splash award by Matthew at
  • Movietone News
  • . Thank you Matthew! Here are the rules copied from Matthew’s post:

    The Splash award is given to alluring, amusing, bewitching, impressive, and inspiring blogs. When you receive this award, you must:
    1. Put the logo on your blog/post.
    2. Nominate up to 9 blogs which allure, amuse, bewitch, impress or inspire you.
    3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
    4. Let them know that they have been splashed by commenting on their blog.
    5. Remember to link to the person from whom you received your Splash award.

    So, here are a few blogs that I enjoy:
  • Paris Breakfasts

  • Paris Apartment

  • Not By A Long Shot! A photo Blog

  • Cafe Selavy

  • Torino Daily Photo
  • Monday, April 06, 2009

    Paris Poster Art

    Colorful vintage 1920's posters of Paris nightlife.

    Sunday, February 22, 2009

    Roofs In Paris

    Paris Rooftops:
    "Night Symphony,"
    "Cats On A Roof In Paris," Edouard Boubat,
    "Roofs of Paris and Notre Dame," Vincent Van Gogh,
    "Paris Rooftops," Patricia Maguire,
    "Roofs of Paris In The Snow," Auguste Herbin, 1902,
    "Latin Quarter, 1926," photographer unknown,
    "Cats On Rooftops of Paris," artist unknown,
    "Overlooking the Roofs in Paris," 1886, by Vincent Van Gogh.

    Saturday, January 31, 2009

    Jazz Age Poster Art

    Some more poster art for the blog.
    Hemingway's Jazz Age Paris.

    Saturday, January 17, 2009

    The Hemingways In Schruns

    When the cold, damp, grey air of Winter hit Paris, the Hemingways would head to Switzerland or Austria for the dry cold air, the skiing, and a roaring fire in the lodge.
    These photos are from Schruns, Austria, taken in 1925. Ernest, Hadley, and Bumby.

    Saturday, January 03, 2009

    Hemingway At The Select

    As regular visitors know, I have given quite a bit of space on the blog to Paris cafe life. Hemingway and the expat crowd used the cafes as places to work, socialize, and establish a sense of community.
    They also liked to drink, and after leaving Prohibition America they imbibed quite a bit in the cafes.
    The Select was one of Ernest's favorite haunts. He went there for breakfast and frequently stayed to write or just catch up on the gossip.
    Hemingway also put Jake Barnes and friends, from "The Sun Also Rises" at the Select.

    A present day American expat, Rick Tulka, and co-author Noel Riley Fitch have written a book called "Paris cafe: The Select Crowd."
    Rick has been generous enough to let me use the above illustration of Hem.
    For a change of pace, I'm adding a link to a Youtube clip , so you can see the present day Select and Rick at work. I think that it is very enjoyable and I hope that you do, too.