When Ernest and Hadley first arrived in Paris, they had Christmas dinner at The Cafe de la Paix, a cafe on the Right Bank. When the bill came, they realized that they didn't have enough money to pay the bill. While Hadley waited, Ernest ran the several miles back to their apartment to get the money. Hemingway mentions the cafe in The Sun also Rises and My Old Man.
Happy Holidays, everyone, from Hemingway's Paris.
Hi Paul! Wow! This one looks great; I should be in Paris now... ;)
Thanks for your comment at Blogtrotter, which is waiting for you in London! Enjoy and have a great holiday season!
You have a wonderful christmas too! :)
Zannnie & Zsolt
Merry Christmas Paul;)
Have a wonderful holiday!
Warm Hugs from California,
Kay Ellen
Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year Paul ;D
Cheers & Hugs from Singapore
Betty ;)
Merry Christmas to all and to Paul!
Hello, Nikon!
Happy New Year.
Paul, Thank you for the add-on! This is the place where he and Hadley first drank the warm rum punches that he said: "entered you like the Holy Spirit".
Joe, you are a fount of knowledge!
Just discovered your blog about Hemingway in Paris. What would he thought about Catalonia´s wish to abolish bullfighting? What do you think yourself? Bullfightings is a whole ritual but also controversila uissue nowadays. Happy New Year! Come to visit my blog!
Hello, Isbelle, thanks for the visit!
(I couldn't go to a bullfight, I don't think!!)
Hi Paul! I also had dinner at the Dôme, but I'm not on the list of famous... ;))
Blogtrotter has reached the January 2009 trips! Not bad; just one year delay... ;)
Enjoy and enter 2010 in great shape! Wish you all the best for the New Year!!!
Hiya Paul!!! Wishing you a blessed year ahead and dreams come true too.
PS: Dreams do come true ;)
Happy New Year Paul!
Good to see you! Happy New Year to you and Negrita!
Hi Paul! Happy New Year!!
Blogtrotter has reached 500 posts on all blogs with some views of «La Petite France, Strasbourg»! Enjoy and have a first great week in 2010!!!
PS: Chinese spam? Delete it... ;)
Hi Gil, yeah that spam is a pain. I missed that one somehow.
Off to Strasbourg!
Very beautiful!
Beautiful photos...hope all is well for you...thanks for the visit to "Tales".
Colourful indeed. I think I'll reread A Movable Feast! Hope your holidays were happy.
Hello Kate, great to see you here.
The holidays were fine and I hope that you enjoyed your's.
"A Moveable Feast" is always a fun way to spend a winter's day!
Hi Paul! A new blog is born: Blogtrotter Two! Hope you enjoy at least as much as the previous version and look forward to reading your comments!
Have a great weekend!!!
Beautiful blog. Have you read "That Summer in Paris" by Morley Calaghan??? A great book.
Thanks for the visit, Civilla.
I haven't read that book, but I will look for it at the library - thanks for the tip!
Pleased to follow your blog, Nikon. Have you seen this sitehttp://frenchfolio.hwelty.com/FrenchFolio/Home.html
An American in Paris!
Yes, Morley Calaghan (Calahan?) was a friend of Hemingway's and wrote the book "That Summer in Paris" about being there with F. Scott Fitzgerald and Zelda Fitzgerald, and Hemingway. It was a non-fiction book and it was great. I can't exactly remember how to spell the last name. Perhaps you could google it.
Yes, Nikon, go here http://www.todayinliterature.com/biography/morley.callaghan.asp
to read a little about the book, That Summer in Paris. You can also google Morley Callaghan (that is the proper spelling) and read about him.
Hi, I found a review of it at Amazon.com. The spelling of his name is: Morley Callaghan.
It sounds very interesting - I'll try and find it here.
(I also checked out the web site - she is leading a very envious life in Paris :)
Glad you could google it. I don't know about "she". This Morley Callaghan was a man and wrote the book That Summer in Paris in about 1929 or thereabouts. He was a contemporary of Hemingway.
Hi, sorry about the mix up - I meant the woman that is living as an expat in Paris - that web site that you mentioned.
Hi Paul! Thanks for your comment at my new blog Blogtrotter Two, now at the Art Deco District in South Beach! Hope to read you there! Have a great week ahead!!!
Who did the painting?
Oh, ok! You have such a cool site! I went to Paris once in the 70's and it was lovely!
Kristine, I don't remember! I found it on a Google Image Search ages ago......Sorry!!
Hi Civilla, I have never been there! I have a lot of folks that visit the blog that have been there, though.
People definitely fall in love with Paris :)
Hi Paul! Blogtrotter 2 is departing Miami by sea. Hope you like it and have a great week!!
HAPPY HOLS and very late too...
Is that colorful painting of Paris some of your handiwork?
Bonne Anneeee 2010
My friend and I were recently discussing about the prevalence of technology in our day to day lives. Reading this post makes me think back to that discussion we had, and just how inseparable from electronics we have all become.
I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Ethical concerns aside... I just hope that as technology further innovates, the possibility of uploading our memories onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's one of the things I really wish I could experience in my lifetime.
(Submitted from cPost scPost for R4i Nintendo DS.)
Outstanding work with your blog. Look forward to what's next!
Happy Valentine's Day Buddy..wishing you best of luck ya ;)
You are fast ;)
PS: Can you chat on MSN?
Hi Paul! Long time no post... ;)
Meanwhile, Blogtrotter 2 is at sea. Hope you enjoy and have a great week!!
Haiti? Do you wanna see?
Have a great weekend Paul!
Hi Paul! Just to say that Blogtrotter 2 is now at Malfini Beach, Haiti. Enjoy and have a great weekend!!
Hi Paul! Some new posts at Blogtrotter 2. Enjoy and have a great weekend!!
Hi Paul!
The Mayan ruins of Tulum are at Blogtrotter 2 for you to enjoy. Have a great week!!
Hi Paul!
Thanks for your support to Blogtrotter Two, now departing Miami by air; my Easter egg to you... ;). Have a great weekend!!
Hi Paul! So, there is Blogtrotter spam and also real spam... ;)
Want a MED break? Two has it... ;)
Enjoy and have a great week!!
Hi Paul!
Blogtrotter Two is waiting for you in sunny Turkey... ;) Enjoy and have a great weekend!!
Mon Dieu!
I wish I had painted that rainy scene in Paris...
Wish I was in Paris right now...
wish bla bla bla
Hi Paul!
Blogtrotter Two has a French party for you in Turkey... Quite appropriate... ;) Enjoy and have a great week!!
Going on the archaeological side...
Have a great weekend Paul!!
Hi Paul! The true Ephesus Masterpieces are at Blogtrotter Two for you to enjoy; I’m sure you’ll be impressed!! Have a great week!!
It is my first time here. I just wanted to say hi!
Hi Paul!
My computer broke down and I’ll be waiting a month for it to be fixed… ;-( Anyhow, I left you a post on the suburbs of Ephesus for you to enjoy. Have a great week!!
Hey Paul, where did you go? Miss you!
Hi Paul! It's time for a new post here... ;))
Blogtrotter Two has a sunset cruise for you! Enjoy the cocktails and the views and have a great weekend!!
Hi Paul! No news?
Blogtrotter Two is departing Turkey 2009! Enjoy the views and have a great week ahead!!
Lovely painting, and such a beautiful complimentary image...
What's the name of the painting?
Hi C.K. - I don't have the name of the painting.
I had a lot of photos and art work about Paris, & Hem, on my old hard drive. That became toast earlier this year.
I can try hunting it down later if you want.
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