Monday, November 14, 2011

Paris Art

Four paintings by Pissarro.
The blog needs a little color every now and then to compliment the vintage black and white photos. If you are familiar with the blog, you know that I throw in some paintings and poster art on occasion to add a splash of color.
The paintings are: "The Boieldieu Bridge At Rouen In Damp Weather", "Boulevard Mountmarte In Winter", "The Siein And The Lourve", "Boulevard Mountmarte At Night."
From Wikipedia:

Camille Pissarro (10 July 1830 – 13 November 1903) was a Danish Impressionist and Neo-Impressionist painter born in the Virgin Islands, where his father was of Portuguese Jewish descent and his mother was native Creole.[1] He studied in Paris and London, becoming a permanent resident of France. His importance resides in his contributions to both Impressionism and Post-Impressionism, as he was the only artist to exhibit in both forms. Pissarro studied from great forerunners, including Courbet and Corot. He later studied and worked alongside Georges Seurat and Paul Signac when he took on the Neo-Impressionist style at the age of 54.
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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Cafe Lipp

Léonard Lipp opened his brasserie in the 1870's after fleeing Alsace during the Franco-Prussian War. The menu is typical of that region including beer, sausage, and sauerkraut. (A brasserie serves alcohol and food.) It stayed in the family until 1920 when Marcellin Cazas bought it. (In 1958, Cazas was given the Legion of Honor for running the best literary salon in Paris.)
Hemingway liked the Lipp for it's oysters and wine and it was a good place to write.
After "The Sun Also Rises" was published, Hemingway was told that some of his friends were out to get him since they thought they were recognizable characters in the novel. Hemingway responded that he would be at the Lipp between two and four every day if anyone wanted to confront him. No one did.
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Friday, November 04, 2011

More Man Ray

Man Ray was born, Emmanuel Radnitzky (August 27, 1890–November 18, 1976) in South Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  He spent most of his career in Paris. He quickly became a prominent member of the art colony there. He was friends with many of the avant garde. The top photo is of painter Joan Miro, then photos of Pablo Picasso, a photo of Man Ray's long-time lover, Kiki of  Montparnasse, Salvador Dali and Man Ray, and a  photo by Man Ray of an unidentified man.
(Hemingway introduced Kiki to Man Ray in 1921.)
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