Jules Pascin was a good friend of Hemingway. He was a working artist, Bulgarian by birth, and a regular of the Left Bank cafe circuit. Like Hemingway, he usually only went out to drink after getting in a good day's work. They frequently met at the Dome Cafe, a cafe Hemingway liked because many of the regulars were artists that had worked at their craft that day and were not just out to be "seen." In "A Moveable Feast," Hemingway devotes a short chapter to his friend, called:
With Pascin at the Dome. Pascin who suffered from alcoholism and depression hanged himself when he was 45.
The first painting is "Woman at Her Toilet."
The second painting is of Pasin's mistress, Lucy Krohg.
The next painting is titled "Nude Sleeping."
After the photo of Pascin is a self-portrait by him done in 1921. Then, a portrait of him painted in 1906 by Albert Weisgerber.