The second of Henry Strater's portraits of Hemingway. Ernest preferred this one.
Photo is courtesy of the Hemingway collection at the JFK Library, Boston.
Ernest Hemingway in Paris in the 1920s. An expatriate learning to be an author while living with other members of the "lost generation."
Now that I walked the same streets he did, that I crossed the Luxembourg Gardens as he did, that fall in love with Paris, it's great to know about these details like his portraits. It's amazing the amount of information there is about his times in Paris (I don't remember reading about this in his book). His granddaughter, Mariel Hemingway, was planning to direct a documentary based on A Moveable Feast, but I think the project must be in stand by cause the shooting supposed to start in 2003 and it didn't.
Thanks for your kind comments, Carlos.
Your page is really filling up with great photos and captions.
I get a lot of my information from a book called "Ernest Hemingway, A life Story" by Carlos Baker. If you read something in "A moveable Feast" or anything about Hemingway, it'll be described in greater detail in that book.
How do you take your night shots? Do you use a tripod, fast ISO, time exposures?
If they're still thinking about filming "A Moveable Feast", I'd love to get a job on that project!
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