Hemingway loved to fish, and on his fourth trip to Pamplona he did some trout fishing in the Irati River in the Pyrenes.
After the Festival of San Fermin he and Hadley, Robert McAlmon, and the Smiths went into the mountains in Basque country around Burquete to relax a bit after the bullfights. Hemingway fished with worms as bait while the party had wine and cheese as they tried their luck.
This little day trip is a famous scene in "The Sun Also Rises."
It is really a nice place for fisihing in Spain....wonderful photo
Granted, it's an exotic location...but I have to mention that he developed his passion for trout fishing in the rivers of northern Michigan! And marlin fishing in Key West, Florida!
(which covers both of my domiciles ;-))
Happy weekend!
is that a pic or is that a painting.....it's lovely!
Beautiful place to relax and to fish...now I wonder what's the recipe for the fish during those days :D
Hi Raghu, thanks for the visit!
Isabella, I know that he was fishing up in Michigan ( there's a great photo of him in a straw hat - looking like Tom Sawyer or Huck Finn) when he was 5.
Key West & Cuba,too; but this is the Paris years of the 1920's :)
Hi Moi, thanks for stopping by - it is a photo; not too great, looks like a Polaroid. I may change it or add another one to that one.
Shionge, I think when camping you generally just throw them into a frying pan over an open fire. Maybe some garlic or onion if you brought those with you - & wine, of course :)
Glad to see that you found new topics for Papa's blog. Fishing was one of his passions, and Fiesta, translated Fiesta into Portuguese language, is another great book.
Have a great weekend.
Cool! I'll bring along some curry powder for seasoning if ever we go fishing together kekekek...
Shionge, would you believe I've never even tasted curry?
The two of us in the woods fishing, :) WOW
NEW PIX!!!!!!!!!! Where have I BEEN!
I know...on the back of a Harley! LOL! ;)
And NO! NOT YET! But as soon as I win my current eBay auction I'll send ya a shot of me in them...AND my "HD" matching jacket!!!
Miss ya!
"A" dear, I can't wait for that pic! Chaps & a helmet - LOL :)
Don't forget the jacket Pauly!!!
AND I just went to the Army/Navy surplus store and bought some "HD" boots...women's black with a chunky 1" heel (waffle-stomper-looking oil-resistant sole) and a zipper up the side! Oh and a little round buckle with two strap decoration on the outside ankle! SO CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE!
You know leather is my weakness :)
Beautiful post--both of them. Many moons ago Hemingway used to spend time in the Land-o-lakes area of Wisconsin. In the summer, it had the only private airport that was served by a commercial airline, North Central. When I was sowing my wild oats, I was a flight attendant for that small airline, and guess who was one of my passengers to Land O'Lakes. Yup! None other than Papa Hemingway!! Interesting trip with him from Chicago to Land-0-Lakes!!
u changed the pic, i see....this one's lovelier :)
Hi Moi, yes I had to add something with a little better color quality - but I still like the old town & stone bridge.
Kate, you are incredibly lucky!!
Did you get an autograph?
Didn't KNOW that P!
Looks like a very picturesque place. I esp like the stone bridge, and don't you just love the places that seem out of the way but truly played a role of some kind.
Nice and relaxing place. They traveled a lot.
Noticed now that there was an error on my comment: "The Sun also rises" was translated Fiesta into Portuguese. But you caught it...
Look forward to seeing some new posts!
Hi Paul, you got me into Hemingway´s life. Since I first read your blog I went through many pages. I discovered his relationship with Gertrude Stein in Paris. I´m fascinated... What an era!
Thanks for triggering this in me.
(I´m still flattered by your comment)
Hey Paul!
I've tagged you! Please visit my Wednesday's post for details.
Thanks for the hint to Fabrizio's post. Great picture indeed!
Hey Compañero, how things?
It's strange, when the English think Spain, for most of them/usit never gets beyond the beaches of the southern & central Mediterranean coast. That is not Spain. As these pics show. Spain is large and diverse (an awful lot of the interior is terribly tedious, I hav to admit). But they remind me, I just have to mail you some pics of Siberia's latest big annual event......involving bulls & streets! This time, I had an expert friend to accompany me & explain stuff, which was great, but I'm still not convinced, as I personnally saw 2 fine creatures die - which should not happen here.
Hasta luego!
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