F. Scott Fitzgerald was perhaps the most famous of the Jazz Age writers, (he supposedly coined the phrase himself). F. Scott Fitzgerald embodied the spirit of the Roaring Twenties. He staked his claim as the voice of his generation with his first novel, "This Side of Paradise" (1920), and later with "The Great Gatsby" (1925). The Saint Paul, Minnesota native spent a lot of time visiting Paris in the 1920's with his wife Zelda, and their daughter Scottie. Fitzgerald was a fan of Hemingway's early work and Hemingway loved "The Great Gatsby." Fitzgerald was to become a good friend (if a difficult one) of Hem's and the two had quite a few interesting and humorous moments in France. Fitzgerald would also help Hemingway in getting his writing published. Hemingway devoted quite a bit of space in "A Moveable Feast" to Fitzgerald, their time together, and Hemingway's not too flattering opinion of Zelda's influence on Fitzgerald's career.
great post again Paul with cool photos! I like the first portrait it shows F. young and joyful.
Yes, very cool pics. I remember the space devoted to Fitzgerald and to Zelda's beauty in AMF. I tried once to read the Great Gatsby but the lack of time didn't allow me to go on. Maybe next vacations (in a month).
Thanks for dropping by Zsolt & Carlos.
Enjoy that vacation, Carlos!
Love this new post; somehow I suspected that it would be about F. Scott. When we get back from dinner, I'll forward a thread that I did a year or two ago on his childhood homes, etc. I loved his and Hemingway's relationship.
Hi Paul!
Sorry for the absence and the delay these last weeks, but unfortunately it wasn’t due to some summer holidays… ;))
This is another great post and Scott actually deserved it. The Great Gatsby is a masterpiece!
Thanks for your comments on Blogtrotter, now at the MoMA for Art and New York lovers! Hope you enjoy and wish you a great week!
Thanks for stopping by, Kate & Gil!
Whoa...two great friends complimenting each other huh? I luv this post, so cool!
Thank you, Dear!!
i love the photos. I always thought GAtsby is just a brand name of hair style wax. :)
Where DO you find these great photos and sketches? I just love this era, what a golden age. Must have been some fantastic time to have been alive!
Great post, as usual!
Nice post Paul. I did read the Great Gatsby and I am still wondering where it is about...really...I 'll take any of Hemingway's books above one of Fitzgeralds anytime. Also the chapter about where H tells how F knows where to put certain things to get the effect the publisher wants made me think F fabricated his novels instead of really writing them from the heart/soul.
Anyway I 'll be in Paris this autumn and made a reservation at the closerie de lilas, there is said to be some nameplate (very small) somewhere on a seat where H used to sit and drink...and write I guess..I will send you a pic when I find it..
*Hi Claudia, thanks for stopping by!
*Marc, yes Hem had a problem with Fitzgerald writing for magazines & their specific audience & not just writing for the sake of writing. But, it was a survival thing, I think - anything to get some money to live on.
I wish I was heading to Paris! I think that most of the regulars that read this blog have been there.
I know that there is a plaque at a cafe where Hem sat at the bar ( it's inlaid into the bar) & one place has a statue of him!
People stand next to the seated Hemingway statue & have their picture taken.
If it's not the Lilas, it's one that is mentioned in AMF, the Dome, perhaps. I have it somewhere in a photo.
Beautiful photos, and wonderful subject! Haven't had a chance to visit lately, revamping website~ugh! I loved The Great Gatsby and try to read it every summer. Maybe because they cast Redford as Gatsby had something to with it! lol!
What a great party theme it would make!
Hello =]
Gosh, I didn't know him =]
I liked the post you made about hime... And the pictures are very nice =]
Hi Paul,
Just love this post, enjoyed hearing about Fitzgerald and Hemingway...and The Great Gatsby
Wonderful pictures too!
Hi Paul! 2008.08.08 is a very special day for Blogtrotter. So, before I start commemorating, let me just tell you how much I appreciate your comments on my blogs! Thanks a lot!
Have a great day and a wonderful weekend!
good evening.
really nice blog
great work
Hi Burg, thanks for the visit!!
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