Monday, November 14, 2011

Paris Art

Four paintings by Pissarro.
The blog needs a little color every now and then to compliment the vintage black and white photos. If you are familiar with the blog, you know that I throw in some paintings and poster art on occasion to add a splash of color.
The paintings are: "The Boieldieu Bridge At Rouen In Damp Weather", "Boulevard Mountmarte In Winter", "The Siein And The Lourve", "Boulevard Mountmarte At Night."
From Wikipedia:

Camille Pissarro (10 July 1830 – 13 November 1903) was a Danish Impressionist and Neo-Impressionist painter born in the Virgin Islands, where his father was of Portuguese Jewish descent and his mother was native Creole.[1] He studied in Paris and London, becoming a permanent resident of France. His importance resides in his contributions to both Impressionism and Post-Impressionism, as he was the only artist to exhibit in both forms. Pissarro studied from great forerunners, including Courbet and Corot. He later studied and worked alongside Georges Seurat and Paul Signac when he took on the Neo-Impressionist style at the age of 54.
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Shionge said...

I am not a very artistic person but I appreciate work of art for sure :) Thanks for sharing

Nikon said...

Thanks for looking Shionge :)

PeterParis said...

Bizarre d’imaginer Pissarro comme danois. En effet les pays nordiques avaient quelques petites colonies… (St. Barthélemy était suédoise, vendue à la France en 1878.) :-)
To see some nice paintings is always nice !

Nikon said...

Hello Peter, thanks for the visit!

Joe said...

Love the artwork, gives you a sense of what old Paris looked like and not in b&w! Thank you for posting, Paul!

Nikon said...

Hi Joe - thanks for the visit & the comment!

Trotter said...

Hi Paul! Happy to be here after my accident ;)

Great paintings!! Lovely colours!!

Blogtrotter Two is around Scandola. Fabulous! Enjoy and have a great weekend!

Trotter said...

Amazing to see Pissarro as Danish of Portuguese descent...

Nikon said...

Hello Gil, I had no idea about his ancestry. I just assumed that he was French!

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous artist. Funny how you can go through life and always discover something new! Thanks for the intro to these wonderful works!

Nikon said...

Hello Claudia! Thanks for the visit!

vicki archer said...

No better way to colour your blog.... A beautiful selection of paintings.... xv

Trotter said...

Hi Paul! Merry Christmas!!
Blogtrotter Two is waiting for you! Enjoy and have a great holiday season!

Adrianne Molin said...

I'm really not into art, but seeing that post, taught me to appreciate art.

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Nikon said...

Thank you for the visit, Adrianne!

Clara Turbay said...

Happy new year, i wish you the best love this post!

Nikon said...

Thank you! Happy New Year to you, too!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Wonderful surfing through your blog! Thanks!

Nikon said...

Thank you!

Philip Marlowe said...

Hey, it's been awhile. Hope you're well and properly immersed in 1920s Hemingway and Paris!

Nikon said...

Hello C.K. - I'm OK, just a touch of illness that is keeping me out of things. Hopefully things will change soon.
Thanks for the concern!

Trotter said...

Hi Paul! It’s already deep into the New Year and into the crisis, but hope is the last thing to fade... We’ll survive!

Hope you're feeling better!

Blogtrotter Two is visiting a place you probably wouldn’t suspect... ;). Enjoy and have a great week ahead!!!