Hemingway's earliest publications were a small pamphlet "Three Stories and Ten Poems" and a small book issued in Paris by Three Mountain Press in 1924, "In Our Time". The latter was the book that Edmund Wilson read and admired and that F. Scott Fitzgerald liked so much that he recommended its author to his own publisher, Charles Scribners and Sons.
Only 1335 copies were printed.
The stories had an absolutely new style, a terse, staccato style that became his trademark.
Interestingly, all of the title words on the jacket are in lower case print.
I haven't read this one - have you?
The small letters on the jacket - I wonder why? I checked, it was not Liveright signature style...
I found your blog by casuality, I want to send you warm greetings from Chile, South America.
Here's is winter yet, but spring is opening her arms near and near...
Please, visit me if you are confortable.
You can use my translator:)
Keep blogging
looks like a cover worth saving .....and i haven't read this one either!!!
and hey we went tripping to Hemingway's place all over again ..only this time I was guiding the cousin along :)
Thanks for visiting.
Isabella & Moi, I've never read this one - I did read an explanation of the lack of capitals, but now the problem is where did I read it :)
Kaylee - I hope that you are feeling better.
Eduardo, thanks for the visit - I hope that spring arrives soon for you there.
i am alittle:)
Hey you, Piaf fan - have you seen "La vie en rose" yet? It finally arrived in MI and we saw it last weekend. Sad but bloody well done bio pic! Must see!
I'll try & catch it, Isabella, I hear it's very good.
Once again, very interesting content.
I have my French family here in Lisbon so, after work, the blogging time it’s not much.
Hi Carlos, thanks for the visit & I hope that you have a good time with the family.
I hope that Spain was a good rest for you, too; especially your eyes :)
Welcome back to posting!
I learned about "Three Stories and Ten Poems" from Georges-Albert Astre «Hemingway par lui-même». It seems that the first edition for the 3 stories, from Contact Publishing Company in Paris (1923), had 300 copies. Then, «In our time» was published by Three Mountains Press, Paris (1924): 170 copies...
I'm taking some holidays till mid-September, if the fires in Greece allow me. Meanwhile, I leave you in Bali at Blogtrotter. Enjoy!
I am very sick:(
"In Our Time" the book is nice to read...thanks for giving such good information.
I didn't read it but I love your description and always I love the photo you publish about. Unfortunately they are so rare.
This is interesting Paul and yes if not for what you mention I would not have noticed the small letters too.
Have you read this book?
Thank you everyone for looking & commenting.
Fabrizio, & Shionge, I haven't read the book - I just came across the information on it.
Fabrizio, I'd be in Italy tomorrow if I could afford the ticket :)
Interesting story about his start in getting things published.
Thank you for visiting my blog and for the comment there about dad's clock.
Stumbled on your blog - what a treasure trove !
To answer your question on the mourning dove post.
Yes, I did get the Lumix camera and have taken a number (about 400) photos with it. I like it mostly for the macro capabilities it has. I assume some of that is due to the Leica lens.
It is nice.
Thanks for the visit.
Dear Paul,,, you are book lover i know since last...I heared about the book IN OUR TIMES but i could't not read about...Nice information....
I AM looney you know THAT!
Guess the extra $25 just bumped it up a notch! LOL!
I'm WAITING! And declaring today "OUR TIME DAY!"
How do ya like DEM apples!?!
You ok sweets? I'm CRUUUUUUUUUZIN!!!
Evening, Paul. First, yes, I got your mail & thanks. Let the silence be eloquent. If it were good news, I'd share it. I'm not even able to face the pc much anymore.
Enough, & on to Hem. Last week, I read some. Frist, I tried "the Sun Also Rises/Fiesta" and had to give up after about 35 pages. I found it too unstructured, too much of a chronicle without evidence of a novel. Just Paris, & dated.
By contrast, I picked up "A Moveable Feast" again and something new struck me. In view of the fact that it was written at least 35 years after the events he describes, its freshness seems incredible. He must have kept very good, complete diaries of all those impressions, because he really succeeds in making it feel actual & alive. It always has the same impression on me of taking me back to my first life in Paris in the mid-70s, doing some of those same walks every week without ever having read the book. The Chapter "People of the Seine" is particularly reminiscent, around Île St Louis, Île de la Cité and the Quais, where I'd sit comfortably on a wide wall, reading & watching for hours by Nôtre Dame. Ils ne sont que des souvenirs d'antan, une vie qui ne reviendra plus jamais.....
Wish you well,
I always have you in mind when I am browsing used bookstores, and I'll let you know if I find anything worthwhile--it takes a litle time.
I'd like to bestow on you The Schmlooze Award, which reads: The 'Power of Schmooze Award' is The Award for bloggers who “effortlessly weave their way in and out of the blogosphere, leaving friendly trails and smiles, happily making new friends along the way. They don’t limit their visits to only the rich and successful, but spend some time to say hello to new blogs as well. They are the ones who engage others in meaningful conversations, refusing to let it end at a mere hello - all the while fostering a sense of closeness and friendship". The icon for the award is on my blog, if you care to use it. Normally you may bestow the award on 5 different peoole, but it's not necessary. Have fun with it!!
PS. I have read this book of short stories and have taught several of them in an American Liteature class to high school juniors and seniors, esp "Indian Camp" and the Nick Adams stories. Worth a read, Nikon!
Stewart - Ulysses :)
Kate, thanks so much for the schmooze award - I'm flattered!
And thanks for thinking of me as you visit the book shops - I don't think I've read Indian camp - although the Nick Adams short stories are here in a box somewhere.
Good thinking Paul! I read "Ulysses" again this morning and listened to "Ulisses" - a magical Portuguese "soul" album (no, not Lou Rawls or Wilson Pickett! LOL)by Cristina Branco - on my MP3. This latter is a new defence weapon against all the s**t out there! The heat is of a nature that totally suffocates creative writing though, if not the urge.
Hi Paul
Thanks for your comment on my blog.
I survived the Greek fires. Actually I was in the Islands (Kos, Crete and Mykonos) where there were no fires; only the island of Evia was somehow affected.
As I’m late, my posts at Blogtrotter are still in Bali 2005. Hope you enjoy it, anyhow!
Have a great weekend! Look forward to seeing some more Papa posts...
I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE that color Pauly...come oooooooooooon...oh, and the color PURPLE too!
How's life?
Email me sometime!!!!!!
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